Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First post-op visit

So I had my first post-op visit with my OS yesterday. It went great. They were all so shocked to see me. They couldn't believe that I just had jaw surgery a week ago! They were just so surprised at how well my swelling and bruising were. I have barely any. If you didn't know me and you saw me in the store or something, you wouldn't even know that I had jaw surgery 9 days ago! It's great. I can't complain. I guess all of that ice really did help (and it felt good too, so can't complain about that).

I got there and the tech took some x-rays. Then the nurse took the stitches out of my cheeks. The ones on the right side were a little tight, so it took some work to get them out, but it didn't hurt or anything. I just wish I could have watched! I don't know why, but I find that sort of stuff really cool! Then my doc came in and he was shocked at how well I looked too! He looked inside my mouth, said everything looked PERFECT, just as he had hoped. Then she showed me my x-rays. They were pretty cool to look at. You could see where he had to cut the bone to avoid the nerve and where the screws are. I look like Frankenstein! Too bad I couldn't wear my x-ray for Halloween!

My surgeon and his tech were saying that I should be there model patient. With how well I was healing and how prepared I was for the surgery. For my pre-op I went in with about 25 questions to ask him, and they were all written down and organized into topics. He could tell I had been doing my research. So I must thank you all for that! And he said that I just had the perfect attitude for this. He said that usually his adult patients do better because they are there on there own will, not there parent's forcing them.

But other than that, nothing really new has changed. I have been so busy studying for a stupid mid-term that's today (I just want to finish up with this masters already). So wish me luck!

Here are some pics from yesterday. With my hair down, you can't even really tell that I'm swollen (I know it, but others wouldn't even notice it if they didn't know me).

I actually have a smile again!

These were the stitches that they had a hard time getting out.

These stitches came out much easier. I can't wait for the swelling to go down to get rid of that little bit of a double chin. I know it's not bad, but it wasn't there before.


Shontelly said...

Hi Tara,
I just want to tell you how GREAT you look - not that you need to hear it from me!! ..and I'm sure you already know this. I had to go back and look at your before pics and WOW has your smile/chin/profile changed!
Truely amazing..

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey Tara,
You ARE looking great! Glad to hear your surgery went well, mine was pretty easy too, so its nice to have someone else who has bascially gotten through it all relatively unscathed.

Your smile looks so good, as does your profile! Isn't it great?!

The swelling will go down soon. Within the next couple of weeks you will probably see lots of changes. Whatever your doing it must be working! Happy healing!


Kristy Eng said...

holey crow, u had surgery, hehe, coulda fooled i used ice like crazy and im onto hot packs now and i still cant get this damn swelling down...and doing a mid term, dang girl you got some will power! Best of luck on the mid term!

Tara said...

Thanks for all of the compliments everyone! It really is great to have you all to help me along in this path.

I tried to get the mid-term pushed back, but basically if I didn't show up, I would have gotten a big ol ZERO! Didn't want that.

Graham said...

Congratulations Tara! Your new profile looks amazing! It's always good to hear about people who heal up quickly. Good on ya!

Heather said...

Looking good girlfriend! :)
Glad you're up and about and feeling good!


Aimee said...

Congratulations, Tara! You look awesome! I haven't had time to finish all my blog reading. Did you end up having anything done to your chin? I can't wait to go back and read all about it!

Tara said...

Thanks! Nope, they ended up not needing to do anything to my chin because the week before surgery they switched from upper to lower. So when he moved the lower back, it took care of the chin problem too! I was lucky. I started out with needed SARPE, upper, lower, chin, and rounding out the bones in my jaw joint. Man am I glad that I went for a second opinion with both the ortho and surgeon. I went from all that to upper and lower and maybe chin, to upper and maybe chin (my choice as it would be cosmetic), to just lower and no chin!

Aimee said...

Wow, I can't believe your treatment plan changed so many times! That makes me feel better. I need to chill out and see what the doctors decide when my teeth are ready. I was told that I need upper and lower and now he is saying possibly just lower, so I was getting all freaked out. I'm so happy for you that you are done with the surgery and healed so well!